Ghost Stories (学校の怪談 Gakkō no Kaidan, literally "School Ghost Stories"), also known as Ghosts at School Ghost Stories tells the tale of Satsuki Miyanoshita, who moves with her family to the hometown of her deceased mother. On her first day of school, Satsuki; her brother Keiichirou, a first-grader; their neighbor Hajime Aoyama; Momoko Koigakubo, an older schoolmate; and Leo Kakinoki, a classmate and friend of Hajime's with a penchant for the paranormal visit the abandoned school building adjacent the current school complex and discover that the building is haunted.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Ghost Stories (学校の怪談 Gakkō no Kaidan, literally "School Ghost Stories"), also known as Ghosts at School Ghost Stories tells the tale of Satsuki Miyanoshita, who moves with her family to the hometown of her deceased mother. On her first day of school, Satsuki; her brother Keiichirou, a first-grader; their neighbor Hajime Aoyama; Momoko Koigakubo, an older schoolmate; and Leo Kakinoki, a classmate and friend of Hajime's with a penchant for the paranormal visit the abandoned school building adjacent the current school complex and discover that the building is haunted.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
(Ost. Zoids Genesis)
(avex trax)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A baby hitman named Reborn, who is the Vongola family's #1 hitman of the mafia ventures to Japan where he meets a boy named Tsuna who has no determination in life. Reborn becomes Tsuna's "tutor", while he attempts to train him to be the next boss of the Vongola family. Reborn also possesses a special bullet call the 'Dying Will' bullet, that is a specialty of the Vongola family. This bullet will revive you from death if you have any regrets when dying. When the bullet revives you, it gives you the determination to do what needs to be done
The story is all about Ruuji Familon, a young boy who lived at Miroodo village and the only one who is capable of piloting the Murasame Liger. The story begins after the destruction of Miroodo's Village Generator which Ruuji lives. Together with Ra Kan and Mii, they search for a Generator Mechanic and also meet new friends. Along the way, they saw some cities totally destructed by the Digald Bukoku.Seeing this makes Ruuji's plan change and started to talk with Ra Kan to make an anti-Digald army. Will they be able to defeat the Digald Bukoku and be able to find a Generator Mechanic
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The centuries pass, and as the civilization of planet Zi continues to evolve, so do the Zoids that co-exist with the human inhabitants of the planet. These days, organizations engage in various Zoid activities: not just battles, but courier work, guard duty, and for some organizations, illicit activities.
A Zoid outfit called Mach Storm, doing its best to make ends meet, begins to become embroiled in an ongoing power struggle when a new type of Zoid emerges: the Fuzor, the fusion of two zoids to create a newer, more powerful Zoid.
A Zoid outfit called Mach Storm, doing its best to make ends meet, begins to become embroiled in an ongoing power struggle when a new type of Zoid emerges: the Fuzor, the fusion of two zoids to create a newer, more powerful Zoid.